Hypnotherapy for Stress Management


Why do we get stressed?

Stress is a normal part of our day to day life which helps us to complete our duties and commitments. For example, if we don’t experience stress about turning up late for work, then we could sleep for too long and potentially risk losing our job. Stress signals tell us that we may be late and our brain kicks us into action - raising blood pressure, muscle strength, mental activity and pulse, enabling us to act quickly.

If we are experiencing too many stressors at once and we don’t know how to manage it effectively, this is when stress can become an issue. We feel overwhelmed and out of control, if being over-stressed isn’t dealt with quickly, it can escalate to cause other issues such as depression and anxiety. Some of us handle stress better than others and everyone experiences stress differently. This does not mean our feelings aren’t valid, it just means stress management is a behaviour that some people have mastered and others need to dedicate some time to learning.

The impact of long term stress can be severe, it can cause depression, reckless driving, excessive eating or undereating, heart problems, high blood pressure and many more health issues. It’s important to address our stress management skills quickly to stop it developing into a bigger problem.


Signs of being over-stressed:

  • Excessive eating

  • Inability to relax

  • Road rage

  • Excessive drinking

  • Aggressive behaviour

  • Consistent body tension

  • Insomnia

  • Low appetite

  • Digestive issues

  • Exessive smoking

  • Overspending

  • Feeling agitated at small things

  • Loss of sex drive

  • Aggressive behaviour

  • Snapping at people you love

  • Always being in a rush or late

  • Unable to focus on one thing at a time

Hypnotherapy for stress management

Your therapist can help you address unhelpful patterns of behaviour and set new perspectives. You will learn how to deal with stressful situations in a more helpful and healthy way. This works by guiding you into deep relaxation and repeating positive suggestions to your subconscious mind. Your therapist will enable you to let go of old unhelpful methods of stress management that have been unsuccessful and learn new ones which will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. It’s not realistic to completely eradicate all of the stressful factors in your life, but we can learn new ways to manage stress to stop it having a negative impact on our bodies and minds.