Hypnotherapy & Counselling for Fears & Phobias
effective help for Fears and phobias
Fears and phobias can arise from many different places. Often our conscious mind knows we are safe but our subconscious mind feels it is protecting is by carrying out avoidance or self-limiting beliefs or behaviours.
Hypnotherapy can start to alter those beliefs in the subconscious in a safe and secure way that the subconscious mind feels comfortable with. This is done through deep relaxation and positive suggestions that are taken on board by your subconscious mind, challenging your fear or phobia to change it from negative to positive reaction.
irrational fears
Phobias are an irrational fear of something that stems from our subconscious but it can be successfully treated in most cases.
Many phobias are acute fears. A fear can be worked on with a therapist directly in the conscious and subconscious mind but a phobia may need an uncovering technique in addition to find the event or thought that triggered the phobia if not known previously.
There are several types of phobias:
· Simple phobias are fears of a single stimulus.
· Complex phobias that are fears of a number of stimuli.
· Social phobias are a feeling of what may happen when you are in company of others.
· Panic attacks can be a symptom of a fear of phobia such as agoraphobia the fear of open space or leaving or travelling from home.
Fear or Phobia?
If you offered someone with a fear a vast amount of money they may be able to carry out the fear briefly for that money. Someone with a phobia such as a phobia of spiders would not entertain holding one for a million pounds. They would automatically and quickly say no.
During your hypnotherapy session’s suggestions are used to treat fears that are based around the clients experiencing, in their imagination, the situation that makes them feel fearful but with a sense of control and a positive outcome. Powerful suggestions are given to reduce your feelings of fear. This enables you to put your fear into perspective and feel much calmer. As you feel more in control of your fear or phobia you will find that any irrational reaction to situations reduce as well.
Some people have fears that are realistic but present with an irrational reaction to the situation
According to a survey by Anxiety UK, The 10 most commonly reported phobias in the UK, are:
social phobia – fear of interacting with other people
agoraphobia – fear of open public spaces
emetophobia – fear of vomiting
erythrophobia – fear of blushing
driving phobia – fear of driving
hypochondria – fear of illness
aerophobia – fear of flying
arachnophobia – fear of spiders
zoophobia – fear of animals
claustrophobia – fear of confined spaces
There are approximately 500 categorised phobias ranging from specific phobias, such as fear of needles to more generalised encompassing phobias such as Social Phobia (Social Anxiety) which is characterised by a fear of unfamiliar people and feeling judged my others.
Call us today on 0800 970 4776 to book your FREE Initial Consultation.
“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.”
Napoleon Hill