Counselling for Relationships & Couples
can couples counselling help?
For any relationship to work we have to be accepted as ourselves in it.
We may be able to adjust or fine tune our behaviour in order to achieve harmony but we cannot sustain being a completely different person without hitting a personal wall at some time. This wall can be emotional, psychological or physical.
We may need to look at our relationship to examine who the relationship is with, what is the purpose of the relationship, the purpose of the relationship for the other person, what is the balance of the relationship and the areas of difficulty.
With counselling you may need to look at the pattern or type of relationship and if the balance or equity in the relationship needs to change. Would this be even desirable or possible? Due to this close look at your relationship there may be a path of coming to terms with changes and alterations in your relationship and uncovering the feelings around this. There may even been feelings from the past that have not been addressed yet.
In order to reach a conclusion we may need to address the past and/or the present in order to move forward. Relationship counselling will help begin to repair any damaging habits, dialogue or dysfunctional experiences that may be occurring within the relationship.
Relationship issues may include the ending of a relationship which can be very painful. This may be because of a breakdown in communication that distances the people in the relationship. This means that we become less sensitive to other people's signals both verbal and non-verbal and enter into a phase of potential for personal complaining here we pay little attention to the concerns of the other party.
We can all have issues with relationships at times in our lives, whether this is with a partner or with family or friends. Counselling can support you to make decisions and explore your true feelings about situations or relationships themselves.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may support changing or challenging thoughts, feelings and behaviours to achieve a better or different outcome for you. Counselling will help you to explore different scenarios in a safe and secure way to help you to move forward.
Couples counselling
For couples counselling to be completed successfully both parties must be committed to therapy and they must have a goal in mind.
Couples counselling allows each party bounce ideas, confessions and ideals around in a safe, secure and empathetic environment. All parties will be able to have an equal say in a calm environment so that no one person dominates the communication. Each party is given the time and space articulate their needs, wants, hopes and desires.
Couples counselling can be helpful in a number of ways. It can help you come to terms with difficult decisions or help you move forward within your relationship.
It is so helpful to be able to communicate together in a secure and safe environment where each party is heard without conflict.
Couples counselling may help you to see different perspectives or options available together and separately. Couples counselling can be helpful in making an ending of your relationship, although still painful, less acrimonious, so that each party feels more in control of their own future away from the relationship.
“There is no pain equal to that which two lovers can inflict on one another.”
Cyril Connolly